Weight loss should be simple

Not counting the calories in every biscuit. Not strapped to the treadmill, praying for time to stop crawling. Not stepping off the scale in defeat and scrambling for chocolates. Dieting leaves you feeling so out of control that nothing in the treat cupboard is safe... and your kids’ sweets? “Honey, the dog ate those!It’s not time for another diet. It’s time for a reset!

Not counting the calories in every biscuit. Not strapped to the treadmill, praying for time to stop crawling. Not stepping off the scale in defeat and scrambling for chocolates.

Dieting leaves you feeling so out of control that nothing in the treat cupboard is safe... and your kids’ sweets? “Honey, the dog ate those!It’s not time for another diet. It’s time for a reset!

The 12 Week Reset

Reset your mind for a life you love

This isn’t a diet (Hallelujah!). It's a completely new way of seeing food, your body and your life. It's a full system reset that changes how you think, feel and act, so that you can finally:

  • Eat for pleasure without inhaling two days’ worth of food
  • Put your fork down when you’re full without needing to pry it from your fingers
  • Feel confident in your figure-hugging dress at the front of the group photo, smiling like you mean it

The 12 Week Reset isn’t just about zipping up that “someday” dress. It’s about empowering you to enjoy delicious food without feeling out of control. It's about living in a way that feels aligned with what's important to you - while building a healthy body you’re proud of along the way. And that’s exactly what we'll do when you join the 12 Week Reset.

Ann Badenhorst

"The 12 Week Reset completely changed my life. I was finally able to stop the constant weight gain and lose the 20lbs I'd been trying to shift for years. I stopped obsessing over food and learned a much easier way to make healthy choices. I understand now why all the years of dieting never worked and I'm 100% certain I'll never diet again"

The 12 Week Reset is based on 3 Pillars:

The Big Breakthrough

Reset your relationship with food

The Secret Weapon
Reset your mindset

The Foolproof Process

Reset your habits

Notice there’s not a food tracker or “meal replacement shake” in sight. Because this is a permanent reset - not an on-again-off-again diet. The 12 Week Reset combines gentle nutrition, positive psychology, and behaviour change principles to transform your relationship with food, your body, and your life. So once you reach your goals, there’s no “maintenance mode” to master - it’s just drool-worthy food when you want it and loving the new body and life you’ve created.

The 12 Week Reset is designed to fit your needs - so you choose what you want to focus on first. No counting almonds, no weighing rice, and no eating weird foods you can’t pronounce (Looking at you, açaí berry). Most women who join the program have a damaged relationship with food - and don’t even know it.

A damaged relationship looks something like this:

  • Can’t leave your favourite snack alone until it’s all gone (who ate all the cookies?!)
  • Constantly worrying about what you "should" or "shouldn't" be eating (white bread, anyone?)
  • Feeling uncomfortably full after overindulging… again (sneaky unbuttoning of the jeans...)

Changing how you think and act around food is just one of the big shifts you can make on the 12 Week Reset. Some of our past rockstars have buttoned up their old wedding dress, found the confidence to book the bucket list trip they'd been dreaming of, discovered a love of yoga... all while enjoying the foods they love guilt free.

What changes will you make? That’s totally up to you. Here’s what you can know for sure:

Your relationship with food will never be the same.

The way you think (and talk) about yourself and your body will change for the better.

You’ll have the know-how to create a healthy life you'll fall in love with - and a body to match.

When you sign up to the 12 Week Reset you’ll get your hands on blow-your-hair-back tools that will change how you look at food, your body and your life forever. Tools like:

  • The Hunger Scale - a scale you’ll actually like! Once you master it, you'll know exactly when and how much to eat. Mindless calorie bombs will be a thing of the past. Hurray!
  • The Diet Decoder sheds the mental weight of a lifetime of confusing diet nonsense. No more agonising over what you "should" and "shouldn't" eat.
  • Gentle Nutrition shows you how to enjoy the mouth-wateringly delicious food you love without a side of guilt.
  • The Comfort Compass puts an end to overeating when you're stressed, down or just a bit bored.
  • Your Resilience Roadmap is your go-to when you need reinforcements (and your biggest source of Get-It-Done!)
  • Your Mindfulness Model breaks the stubborn patterns that have been keeping you stuck and eliminates the reasons you “can’t lose weight”.
  • The Trash Talk Neutralizer makes it simple to silence your inner critic.
  • Joyful Movement lets you find a way to move your body that you actually enjoy, so you can quit torturing yourself with exercise you hate.
  • The Stack System holds the secret to mastering motivation and building unstoppable momentum.
  • The Wheel of Life reveals your newer, smaller clothes aren’t the only big change you’ll create.

The 12 Week Reset isn’t like anything you’ve tried before. But has anything you’ve tried before really worked?

Diets force you to follow rigid, unreasonable rules and, when you can’t stick to them, they say you failed. But life doesn’t always allow for “no eating after 6pm” and birthday parties aren’t a great source of “no sugar desserts” (whatever those are).

Your life is for LIVING and LOVING and that’s what the 12 Week Reset lets you do from Day 1 - live your life on your terms AND create a body you’re proud of. If you want to stop running away from carbs and sighing when you look in the mirror, the 12 Week Reset can show you how to reset your mind for a body and life you love!

Sara Heselgrove

"Since the 12 Week Reset I've felt stronger and fitter than ever... mentally and physically. I finished the program over a year ago and the weight has stayed off with no effort at all. I'm full of energy, loving life and feeling amazing. I can't recommend the 12 Week Reset enough!"

We've got a reset plan that will fit you perfectly, whether you need full flexibility, a little extra push or personalised guidance every step of the way.

Freedom Plan

€ 99/m

for 3 months

Want complete flexibility? Dive into the 12 Week Reset at your own pace. You’ll get:

  • Access to the 12 Week Reset coaching platform
  • A fully customised reset program
  • Weekly coaching videos & tools to keep you motivated
  • Your AI coach in your pocket to keep you on track
  • Access to the Reset Insiders community to keep you inspired

Accountability Plan

€ 259/m

for 3 months

Most Popular

Need a little extra push? 1-1 coaching will keep you laser-focused as you reset. You’ll get:

  • Access to the 12 Week Reset coaching platform
  • A fully customised reset program
  • Weekly 30min 1-1 accountability coaching sessions
  • Weekly coaching videos & tools to keep you motivated
  • Your AI coach in your pocket to keep you on track
  • Access to the Reset Insiders community to keep you inspired

Bespoke Plan


for 3 months

Want even more support? Get extensive personalised guidance from start to finish with:

  • Access to the 12 Week Reset coaching platform
  • A fully customised reset program
  • Weekly 50min 1-1 reset coaching sessions
  • Weekly coaching videos & tools to keep you motivated
  • Your AI coach in your pocket to keep you on track
  • Access to the Reset Insiders community to keep you inspired

The 12 Week Reset is for women who:

  • Only realize they've zombie-munched their way through a bag of crisps when they hit the bottom
  • Want to lose weight... but also want chocolate
  • Own jeans in every size: big jeans, skinny jeans, and someday jeans
  • Have tried Every. Single. Other. Way. to lose weight and just want the battle to end
  • Want to fall in love with the woman in the mirror
  • Are ready to stop the lose-gain cycle for good and break the power food has over their life

Yes! I want in, but I have a question...

How is this different to what I've tried before?

The 12 Week Reset uses a blend of gentle nutrition, positive psychology and behaviour change principles to transform how you relate to food, your body and your life. It’s NOT a diet – in fact, it guides you through healing from a lifetime of dieting as you build a body and life you love. The program is designed for women want to escape the diet trap, make permanent change and create red hot lives.

Will this work for me?

The 12 Week Reset is designed to work when nothing else has. If you’re willing to self-reflect and reset your mindset, the program will work for you.

What if I've tried everything under the sun?

Welcome to the club! The most successful of our past members have said the same thing. The 12 Week Reset isn’t like anything else you’ve tried - and that’s a good thing! Because everything else hasn’t worked. This isn’t a diet or set of rules, this is a blueprint for overcoming the unhelpful patterns that have been keeping you stuck. You’ll still get to eat the foods you love but you’ll be creating a healthy mind, body and life while you do it.

Will I get instant access?

Yes. As soon as you register, you’ll have access to the 12 Week Reset program via the email you sign up with... which means... you can start your final weight loss journey right now!

What if now is not a good time for me?

Remember, the 12 Week Reset is NOT a diet. So you don't need to worry about going "off plan" if you have a trip or event coming up. You'll enjoy it even more when you've learned how to indulge in delicious food without needing to pop the button on your jeans afterwards!

What if I'm going through menopause?

Most members of the 12 Week Reset are in some stage of menopause, so you're in good company! Our bodies go through a lot of changes during perimenopause and menopause - many of which make gaining weight easier. Joy. BUT! The 12 Week Reset shows you how to adapt to these changes in a way that leaves you feeling more in control. You’ll be able to navigate through menopause in a way that works for you and your body.

What if I’m diabetic? What if I have some other medical issue?

No worries! There are no meal plans on the 12 Week Reset which means it works with whatever plan you and your doctor have created. You’ll be able to make choices that are right for you and your body no matter what medical condition / allergies you may have.

What happens after the 12 weeks?

The 12 Week Reset has all the tools you need to create sustainable change. As a member, you'll have lifetime access to the program materials. If your goals stretch beyond the 12 weeks, you’ll be able to continue using what you’ve learned to bring your goals to life.

Ready for a reset?

In 3 months' time... You could be stuck calculating how much cardio will burn off the extra salad dressing... Or you could sign up for the 12 Week Reset, enjoy the foods you love and still create a body and life you’re proud of. The button is here. The choice is yours.

© 2024 12 Week Reset